sunglasses, 선글라스
Sunglasses are eyewear worn to protect the eyes from strong sunlight. They block ultraviolet rays and reduce glare.
They are also popular as fashion items, and there are various styles of sunglasses. Many people enjoy wearing sunglasses, especially during summer.
선글라스는 햇빛이 강할 때 눈을 보호하기 위해 쓰는 안경이에요. 자외선을 막아주고 눈부심을 줄여주는 기능이 있어요.
패션 아이템으로도 인기가 많아서 다양한 스타일의 선글라스가 있어요. 여름철에는 많은 사람들이 선글라스를 즐겨 착용해요.
The history of sunglasses is said to have begun with Emperor Nero of Rome, who used lenses made of green gemstones. In the early 20th century, they evolved into a fashion item as movie stars wore them to avoid camera flashes.
Modern sunglasses go beyond simple UV protection and incorporate advanced technologies. Features such as blue light blocking and polarization have been added, and they are often featured in K-pop stars' airport fashion, leading global fashion trends.