

thermometer, 온도계


A thermometer is an important tool that measures the temperature around us. We use it when the weather is hot or cold, or when we're sick to check our body temperature.

While digital thermometers exist, this emoji represents a traditional mercury thermometer. The red line goes up and down, showing the temperature.

온도계는 우리 주변의 온도를 측정하는 중요한 도구예요. 날씨가 덥거나 추울 때, 또는 몸이 아플 때 체온을 잴 때 사용해요.

디지털 온도계도 있지만, 이 이모지는 전통적인 수은 온도계를 나타내요. 빨간색 선이 올라가고 내려가면서 온도를 보여주죠.

Windows 11

Since Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit invented the first modern thermometer in 1714, thermometers have become essential tools for scientific advancement. Currently, various temperature units such as Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin are used.

Recently, smart thermometers have emerged, combined with IoT technology, enabling real-time temperature monitoring. During the COVID-19 pandemic, non-contact thermometers became commonplace, and advanced temperature measurement technologies are being used for environmental monitoring as well.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🌡️🥵 too hot to handle
🌡️❄️ ice age vibes
🌡️😷 running a fever
🌡️💦 sweating buckets