
up-right arrow

up-right arrow, 오른쪽 위 화살표


This arrow points up and to the right. It's used to indicate direction or to represent something ascending.

You'll often see this arrow on signs indicating directions, stairs, or elevator locations. It provides a clear and simple way to show direction.

이 화살표는 오른쪽 위 방향을 가리키는 표시입니다. 방향을 알려주거나 상승하는 것을 나타낼 때 사용해요.

길 안내나 계단, 엘리베이터 위치를 알려주는 표지판에서 자주 볼 수 있습니다. 쉽고 명확하게 방향을 보여주죠.

Windows 11

This arrow represents a 45-degree upward angle and is often used to symbolize positive growth or progress. It's commonly seen in business graphs or statistics to represent an upward trend.

In the digital age, it's also used as an icon for links or sharing functions. It's an intuitive symbol frequently used on social media to indicate sharing content externally or opening content in a new window.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

↗️📈 stonks
↗️💪 leveling up
↗️⭐️ big moves
↗️🎯 crushing goals
↗️💫 winning streak