
woman with headscarf

woman with headscarf, 머리에 스카프를 두른 여자


This emoji represents a woman wearing a headscarf. It mainly expresses the hijab worn in Islamic cultures.

Many women around the world wear headscarves for religious reasons or cultural traditions. Recently, they have also become popular as fashion items.

머리에 스카프를 두른 여성을 나타내는 이모지입니다. 주로 이슬람 문화권에서 착용하는 히잡을 표현한 것입니다.

전 세계 많은 여성들이 종교적인 이유나 문화적인 전통으로 머리 스카프를 착용합니다. 최근에는 패션 아이템으로도 인기가 있습니다.

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The hijab is an important symbol that expresses the identity and faith of women in Islamic cultures. The styles and ways of wearing it vary from country to country and region to region, and in modern times, new styles that combine tradition and trends are also emerging.

Recently, the fashion industry has been emphasizing diversity and inclusivity, leading to an increase in models wearing hijabs. Particularly on SNS, hijab fashion influencers are actively showcasing styles that harmoniously match traditional clothing with modern fashion.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🧕 Hijabi queen
🧕✨ Middle East beauty
🧕🌙 Ramadan mode
🧕🕌 Muslim sister
🧕🙏 Halal gang