

Aquarius, 물병자리


It is the zodiac sign for those born between January 20th and February 18th. It is designed after the shape of someone pouring water.

Known for its creative and unique personality, this sign symbolizes a person carrying water and is an important constellation in Western astrology.

1월 20일부터 2월 18일 사이에 태어난 사람의 별자리입니다. 물을 뿌리는 모양을 본떠 만들었어요.

창의적이고 독특한 성격의 소유자로 알려져 있어요. 물을 나르는 사람의 모습을 형상화한 기호로, 서양 점성술의 중요한 별자리입니다.

Windows 11

In Greek mythology, this constellation is associated with Ganymede, the cupbearer of the gods, and symbolizes innovation and progress. In modern astrology, it represents creativity and humanitarian tendencies.

Located as the 11th sign in the zodiac, this constellation is believed to symbolize the advent of a new era, the 'Age of Aquarius.' It holds particular significance in the New Age movement and modern astrology, and is globally recognized as a symbol of future-oriented change.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

♒💧 flow state
♒🌊 wave rider
♒✨ feels tsunami
♒💫 going with the flow
♒🌊 emotion ocean
♒💧 waterproof feels
♒✨ water vibes
♒💫 feels overflowing
♒🌊 wave master