
baby bottle

baby bottle, 젖병


A baby bottle is an essential tool used for feeding milk or formula to babies. It is specially designed for hygienic and safe feeding.

Modern baby bottles come in various sizes and designs that can be chosen according to the baby's age. They are particularly made with easy-to-sterilize and durable materials for hygiene and safety.

젖병은 아기에게 우유나 분유를 먹이는 데 사용하는 중요한 도구입니다. 위생적이고 안전한 수유를 위해 특별히 디자인되어 있습니다.

현대의 젖병은 다양한 크기와 디자인으로 나와 있어 아기의 월령에 맞게 선택할 수 있습니다. 특히 위생과 안전을 위해 소독이 쉽고 내구성이 좋은 재질로 만들어집니다.

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The history of baby bottles began in earnest during the Industrial Revolution, initially made only from glass. Today, various materials like plastic and silicone are used, and nipple designs have evolved to simulate the feeling of breastfeeding.

Recently, recyclable materials and glass bottles are regaining popularity for environmental protection. Additionally, smart bottles have emerged that can check feeding temperature and volume, and sync with smartphones to manage feeding records.

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🍼 babysitting time
🍼👶 baby angel
🍼✨ baby love
🍼💕 baby cutie
🍼🌟 baby genius