

jar, 작은 병


A small jar is a container used for storing sauces or condiments. It's a common item found in kitchens.

It's used for storing ingredients needed for cooking or for storing prepared food. It's also used to represent a neatly organized kitchen.

작은 병은 소스나 양념을 보관하는 용기입니다. 주방에서 자주 볼 수 있는 물건이에요.

요리할 때 필요한 재료를 담아두거나, 만든 음식을 보관할 때 사용합니다. 깔끔하게 정리된 주방을 표현할 때도 써요.

Windows 11

With the recent zero-waste movement, recycling glass jars has become a trend. Especially among millennials and Gen Z, storing food ingredients in pretty glass jars is gaining popularity as an interior design element.

As the culture of making and gifting homemade jams and fermented foods spreads globally, the utility of small jars has increased. Photos of homemade food in beautifully decorated jars are trending on social media.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🫙 empty vibes
🫙😅 broke life
🫙💸 end of month mood
🫙🌟 nothing left