military medal
military medal, 무공 훈장
A military medal is a special award given to soldiers who have performed distinguished service for their country. It usually takes the form of a medal worn on the chest.
Those who have received medals have fought bravely for their country. These medals are considered very important in countries all over the world.
무공 훈장은 나라를 위해 큰 공을 세운 군인에게 주는 특별한 상이에요. 보통 가슴에 다는 메달 모양입니다.
훈장을 받은 사람들은 나라를 위해 용감하게 싸웠어요. 이런 훈장은 세계 어느 나라에서나 매우 중요하게 여깁니다.
A military medal is more than just a decoration; it's a symbol embodying the history of both a nation and an individual. The stories of war heroes often appear in movies and dramas, conveying the meaning of patriotism and courage to younger generations.
Each country has its own unique system of military medals with distinct designs and meanings. World-renowned medals like the American Medal of Honor or the British Victoria Cross have become cultural heritages in their own right.