takeout box
takeout box, 테이크아웃 상자
A takeout box is a box used for packaging food to go. It's especially common in Chinese restaurants.
It's a foldable paper box, convenient for carrying food. These days, many are made with eco-friendly materials for the sake of the environment.
테이크아웃 상자는 음식을 포장해서 가져갈 때 사용하는 상자입니다. 특히 중식당에서 자주 볼 수 있어요.
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The takeout box was first invented in the late 1800s in the United States and is also called an oyster pail. While originally designed for carrying oysters, it has become an iconic packaging container for Chinese restaurants.
Recently, with growing interest in environmental protection, the use of eco-friendly takeout boxes made with biodegradable materials has been increasing. Also, unique boxes with added design elements are gaining popularity on social media, and with the growth of food delivery culture, the variety of takeout boxes is also increasing.