
leafy green

leafy green, 녹색 채소


Leafy greens are very good for our health. They are nutritious and often enjoyed in salads or burgers.

Leafy greens like lettuce, cabbage, and kale are popular worldwide. Especially these days, more and more people are seeking them out for a healthy diet.

녹색 채소는 우리 건강에 매우 좋은 음식이에요. 샐러드나 버거에 넣어서 많이 먹고, 영양가도 높답니다.

상추, 양배추, 케일 같은 녹색 채소들은 전 세계에서 인기가 많아요. 특히 요즘은 건강한 식단을 위해 더 많은 사람들이 찾고 있습니다.

Windows 11

Leafy greens play a key role in the healthy diet of modern people. Kale, in particular, is called a 'superfood' and is leading the global health food trend.

Recently, with the popularity of K-food, leafy greens used in kimchi or ssam (wrap) culture are also gaining attention. With the spread of vegetarian culture and the increase of salad specialty stores, the consumption of various leafy greens is increasing.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🥬 fresh lettuce
🥬🍖 meat needs greens
🥬💚 veggie gang
🥬🍔 extra lettuce pls