identification card
identification card, 신분증
An identification card is an important card that proves a person's identity. It's an official document, like a driver's license or resident registration card, that verifies your identity.
These days, digital identification cards are also widely used. You can store your ID card on your smartphone and easily show it when needed. It's essential for verifying your identity at banks or government offices.
신분증은 개인의 신원을 증명하는 중요한 카드입니다. 운전면허증, 주민등록증처럼 공식적으로 신분을 확인할 수 있는 문서예요.
요즘은 디지털 신분증도 많이 사용하고 있어요. 스마트폰으로 신분증을 보관하고 필요할 때 간편하게 보여줄 수 있죠. 은행이나 관공서에서 본인 확인할 때 꼭 필요해요.
Identification cards serve as official proof of a person's identity in modern society, and their importance has grown in our globalized world. There are also internationally recognized IDs, such as international student cards or passports.
Each country has its own unique identification culture, with its own specific ID system, like Korea's resident registration card. Recently, digital identification cards using blockchain technology have emerged as a new trend.