
keycap: *

keycap: *, 키 캡: *


This is an emoji representation of the keyboard symbol for an asterisk. It's used to emphasize important content or mask passwords.

When entering passwords on the internet or smartphone, it appears as '*****'. It's also commonly used to mark important sections in books and documents.

별표 모양의 키보드 기호를 이모지로 표현한 것입니다. 중요한 내용을 강조하거나 비밀번호를 가릴 때 사용해요.

인터넷이나 스마트폰에서 비밀번호를 입력하면 '*****' 이렇게 보입니다. 또 책이나 문서에서 중요한 부분을 표시할 때도 많이 사용해요.

Windows 11

This symbol, also called an asterisk, originated from ancient Greek meaning 'little star'. In mathematics, it's used as a multiplication symbol, and in computing, it serves as a wildcard character meaning 'everything'.

In modern digital culture, it has evolved to be used for decorating and emphasizing text. For example, it's used to emphasize words like '*really*', to censor profanity, and serves as a crucial special character in programming.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

*️⃣ missed the point
*️⃣💫 lightbulb moment
*️⃣✨ review bomber
*️⃣🎵 soundtrack master