

Gemini, 쌍둥이 자리


Gemini is the zodiac sign for those born between May 21st and June 21st. They are known for their intelligent and fun-loving nature.

This constellation resembles two people standing side by side in the sky. It symbolizes communication and friendship.

쌍둥이자리는 5월 21일부터 6월 21일 사이에 태어난 사람들의 별자리예요. 똑똑하고 재미있는 성격으로 알려져 있답니다.

이 별자리는 하늘에서 두 사람이 나란히 서 있는 모습을 닮았어요. 소통과 우정을 상징하는 별자리예요.

Windows 11

In Greek mythology, Gemini represents the story of the twins Castor and Pollux. Their deep brotherly love is said to have been immortalized as stars in the sky, symbolizing intellectual curiosity and versatility.

In modern astrology, Gemini is interpreted as having excellent communication skills and adaptability. It's a zodiac sign that receives particular attention in the age of social media and media, and it's an interesting fact that many famous influencers belong to this sign.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

♊ Gemini mindset
♊✨ Gemini power
♊💫 Double trouble
♊👥 Clone mode
♊✨ Multiplayer mode
♊ Talk too much
♊💫 Shadow clone jutsu
♊ Split personality loading