
Japanese “open for business” button

Japanese “open for business” button, 벼슬 관


This emoji displays the kanji character for "open for business" inside a circle. It's used to indicate that a shop or office is open.

It's frequently used online, especially by small business owners, to announce the start of business or indicate availability on online shopping malls and social media.

이 이모지는 '영업 중'을 의미하는 한자를 원 안에 넣은 표시예요. 가게나 사무실이 열려있다는 것을 알릴 때 사용합니다.

온라인 쇼핑몰이나 SNS에서 영업 시작을 알리거나 서비스 가능 상태를 표시할 때 많이 써요. 특히 소상공인들이 자주 사용합니다.

Windows 11

This symbol originated in Japanese commercial culture and is now widely used in digital business environments. It has become a standard icon for indicating business status, particularly in online marketplaces and delivery apps.

Recently, the use of this emoji has expanded beyond simply indicating open/closed status. It's also used to symbolize activity and availability. Freelancers use it to show their availability for work, and it's also used to indicate real-time availability for online consultation services.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🈺 open for biz
🈺💼 grind time
🈺💰 bag szn
🈺🏢 office life
🈺📈 stonks