first quarter moon face
first quarter moon face, 얼굴이 있는 초승달
This emoji depicts the moon in a cute way. It gives a friendly feeling by drawing a human face on the first quarter moon.
It gives a warm feeling as if the moon in the night sky is watching over us. It's a moon character beloved by children worldwide and often appears in fairy tales and stories.
달의 모습을 귀엽게 표현한 이모지예요. 초승달에 사람의 얼굴을 그려 넣어 친근한 느낌을 줍니다.
밤하늘의 달님이 우리를 지켜보는 것 같은 따뜻한 느낌이 들어요. 전 세계 어린이들이 좋아하는 달님 캐릭터로, 동화나 이야기에도 자주 등장합니다.
This emoji is a modern representation of the moon's personification found in various cultures around the world. The design is particularly inspired by moon folklore from Eastern cultures and moon-related fairy tales from the West.
In modern pop culture, this emoji is frequently used as a symbol of mystery and romance. It's used on social media to express emotional moments at night or special moments under moonlight, and has particularly established itself as the representative emoji for 'moonlight mood' among younger generations.