

herb, 풀


Herbs are green plants easily found in nature. You can often see them in parks or fields.

Herbs are important plants that produce oxygen on Earth. They also serve as food for many animals, and people use them for medicine or tea.

풀은 자연에서 쉽게 볼 수 있는 녹색 식물이에요. 공원이나 들판에서 자주 볼 수 있어요.

풀은 지구의 산소를 만드는 중요한 식물이에요. 많은 동물들의 먹이가 되기도 하고, 사람들은 약이나 차로도 사용해요.

Windows 11

Herbs are organisms that form the foundation of Earth's ecosystem. Early humans used herbs to make medicine and tools. Even in modern times, they are utilized in various ways, such as herbal teas and aromatherapy.

Recently, the importance of herbs has been emphasized for urban greening and environmental protection. Movements to revive nature in cities, such as rooftop gardens and vertical gardens, are spreading globally. This also helps mitigate the urban heat island effect.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🌿 zen mode
🌿✨ detox vibes
🌿🫖 tea time
🌿💚 health check
🌿🧘‍♀️ yoga mood