amphora, 암포라
An amphora is a large jar used in ancient Greece and Rome. It was used to store wine or olive oil.
It is an object often seen in museums and history books. It is an emoji often used when discussing ancient cultures.
암포라는 고대 그리스와 로마에서 사용하던 큰 항아리입니다. 와인이나 올리브유를 보관하는 데 썼어요.
박물관이나 역사책에서 자주 볼 수 있는 물건입니다. 고대 문화를 이야기할 때 많이 사용하는 이모지예요.
Amphorae are considered important evidence of ancient Mediterranean trade. Archaeologists study excavated amphorae to research trade routes and lifestyles of the time. Amphorae discovered underwater, in particular, reveal traces of ancient maritime trade.
In modern times, amphorae are sometimes reinterpreted and used as decorative containers for luxury foods such as wine or olive oil. They are also the symbol of Aquarius in Western astrology, so they are often seen in astrology-related content.