computer disk
computer disk, 엠디
MD (MiniDisc) was a popular music storage device in the 1990s. Its smaller size and cuter appearance compared to CDs made it a favorite for many.
It was convenient because you could store, erase, and re-record music. It was especially popular among students because of its portability.
MD(미니디스크)는 1990년대에 인기 있었던 음악 저장 장치입니다. CD보다 작고 귀여운 모양이어서 많은 사람들이 좋아했어요.
음악을 저장하고 지우고 다시 녹음할 수 있어서 편리했습니다. 특히 휴대가 간편해서 학생들에게 인기가 많았어요.
Released by Sony in 1992, the MD was a revolutionary product that combined digital sound quality with the convenience of analog. It was considered a potential replacement for CDs and gained significant popularity, especially in Japan and Korea.
Although it was widely loved until the early 2000s, it gradually disappeared with the advent of MP3 players. However, it remains a popular item among vintage audio equipment collectors.