input numbers
input numbers, 숫자
This emoji means to input numbers. It is frequently seen when entering phone numbers or passwords.
This symbol usually indicates where to enter numbers in apps or websites. It is also frequently used in calculator or calendar apps.
숫자를 입력하라는 뜻의 이모지예요. 전화번호나 비밀번호를 입력할 때 자주 보이는 표시랍니다.
이 표시는 주로 앱이나 웹사이트에서 숫자를 넣어야 하는 곳을 알려줘요. 계산기나 달력 앱에서도 이런 표시를 많이 사용한답니다.
This is a universal symbol that indicates a situation where number input is required on a digital device. It is especially often used in situations requiring accurate number input, such as security codes, verification numbers, and quantity input.
This emoji has become an essential communication tool in the digital age. It plays a key role in e-commerce, mobile banking, and various reservation systems, and has become an important part of global digital literacy.