

kaaba, 카바


The Kaaba is the most sacred building in Islam. It is a black, cube-shaped building located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Muslims around the world pray towards it five times a day. They aspire to visit it at least once in their lifetime.

카바는 이슬람교의 가장 신성한 건물입니다. 사우디아라비아 메카에 있는 검은 정육면체 모양의 건물이에요.

전 세계 무슬림들이 하루에 다섯 번 이곳을 향해 기도를 합니다. 일생에 한 번은 이곳을 방문하려고 해요.

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The Kaaba is the holiest site in Islam, and millions of Muslims visit it annually for the Hajj (pilgrimage). The black cloth covering the building, called the Kiswah, is replaced every year and holds sacred significance itself.

Recently, the majestic sight of the Tawaf ritual, circling the Kaaba, has gained global attention through social media, attracting cultural interest beyond religious boundaries. The scenes, especially during Ramadan, leave a deep impression on many people.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🕋 pilgrimage done!
🕋☪️ prayers to Allah
🕋🙏 greetings from Mecca
🕋✨ pilgrim's journey