
oil drum

oil drum, 기름통


An oil drum is a large container used for storing petroleum or oil. You can often see them in factories or gas stations.

Oil drums are dangerous items, so they must be stored in a special place. It is important to safely store and handle oil with consideration for the environment.

기름통은 석유나 기름을 보관하는 큰 통입니다. 공장이나 주유소에서 많이 볼 수 있어요.

기름통은 위험한 물건이라서 특별한 장소에 보관해야 해요. 환경을 생각해서 기름을 안전하게 보관하고 처리하는 것이 중요합니다.

Windows 11

Oil drums are essential in modern industrial society, but they have also become a symbol of environmental issues. The finite nature of petroleum resources and environmental pollution have become global concerns, and this has highlighted the need for developing renewable energy.

Recently, with the MZ generation showing increased interest in eco-friendly energy, oil drums are sometimes perceived as 'relics of the past era'. In an era emphasizing ESG management and carbon neutrality, companies are actively pursuing a transition from oil to eco-friendly energy sources such as solar power and hydrogen.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🛢️ money drain
🛢️💰 wallet killer
🛢️💸 gas prices tho
🛢️😱 prices are insane