
glass of milk

glass of milk, 우유 한잔


Milk is a representative beverage that is good for your health. Drinking it in the morning can help you start your day energetically.

These days, there are not only regular milk but also strawberry, chocolate, and banana-flavored milk. It is also widely used in cafes to make lattes and smoothies.

우유는 건강에 좋은 대표적인 음료예요. 아침에 마시면 하루를 활기차게 시작할 수 있어요.

요즘은 일반 우유뿐만 아니라 딸기, 초콜릿, 바나나 맛 우유도 있어요. 카페에서는 라떼나 스무디를 만드는 데도 많이 사용해요.

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Milk is rich in calcium and protein and is recognized worldwide as an important source of nutrients. In Korea, in particular, the unique school culture of providing milk to students has helped maintain the health of growing children.

Recently, plant-based milk has been gaining popularity worldwide. Various alternative milk options such as almond, oat, and soy milk are attracting attention, especially among the MZ generation who are concerned about environmental protection and health. In Korea, banana-flavored milk has established itself as a unique national drink.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🥛 sleepy time
🥛✨ milk hit different
🥛🍪 milk and cookies vibe
🥛💤 insomnia cure
🥛🌙 sleep mode activated
🥛🧊 morning fuel