

ice, 얼음


Ice is essential for making refreshing drinks. It's especially popular in hot weather.

It's used in drinks at cafes and restaurants, and can easily be made at home in the freezer. It's a summer essential.

얼음은 시원한 음료를 만드는 데 꼭 필요한 것입니다. 더운 날씨에 특히 인기가 많습니다.

카페나 레스토랑에서 음료에 넣어 사용하고, 집에서도 냉장고로 쉽게 만들 수 있습니다. 여름철 필수품입니다.

Windows 11

The shape and size of ice greatly influence the taste and atmosphere of a drink. Upscale bars and cocktail lounges use specially shaped ice to enhance the value of their drinks.

In East Asia, there are unique cultures that utilize ice as the main ingredient in desserts, such as Korean shaved ice (bingsu) and Japanese kakigori. Recently, with the development of techniques for making clear ice, drink culture has become even more diverse.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🧊 ice ice baby
🧊❄️ ice lover
🧊💫 so cool
🧊✨ ice loaded
🧊💦 melting away
🧊🥤 extra ice pls