

cupcake, 컵케이크


Cupcakes are small, cute-sized cakes. They are often decorated with pretty cream frosting and colorful sprinkles on top.

They are a common dessert for parties and birthdays. Their single-serving size makes them easy to hold and eat, and they can be made in various flavors and shapes.

컵케이크는 작고 귀여운 크기의 케이크예요. 위에 크림을 예쁘게 올리고 다양한 색의 스프링클을 뿌려서 장식해요.

파티나 생일날에 자주 먹는 디저트예요. 한 입 크기로 만들어서 손으로 들고 먹기 편하고, 여러 가지 맛과 모양으로 만들 수 있어요.

Windows 11

First appearing in the United States in the 1800s, cupcakes were also called "1234 cakes" because of their easy-to-measure recipe. This name came from using 1 cup of butter, 2 cups of sugar, 3 cups of flour, and 4 eggs.

Recently, they've become a frequent subject of photos on social media, and they often appear as props in romantic scenes in K-dramas. They are a popular choice for home baking and a signature menu item in dessert cafes.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🧁 cute bite
🧁✨ sugar bomb
🧁💝 dessert heaven
🧁🎀 adorbs
🧁💖 sweetness loading
🧁💫 fluffy sweetness