flag: Azerbaijan
flag: Azerbaijan, 깃발: 아제르바이잔
Azerbaijan is a country in Eurasia. Its flag has blue, red, and green stripes with a white crescent moon and star.
This country is rich in oil, so it's also called "the Land of Fire." The capital is Baku, located near the Caspian Sea, and it has beautiful beaches.
아제르바이잔은 유라시아에 있는 나라예요. 이 나라의 국기는 파란색, 빨간색, 초록색 줄무늬와 하얀 초승달, 별이 있어요.
이 나라는 석유가 많이 나서 '불의 나라'라고도 불러요. 수도는 바쿠이고, 카스피해 근처에 있어서 아름다운 해변도 있어요.
Azerbaijan, an important crossroads on the Silk Road, has a unique culture blending East and West. Its ancient traditions of carpet weaving and traditional music are registered as UNESCO cultural heritage.
In modern times, its popular culture has also developed, even winning the Eurovision Song Contest. In particular, the "Flame Towers," a modern architectural structure in the capital city of Baku, has become a landmark, offering a modern interpretation of the traditional symbol of fire.