
heavy equals sign

heavy equals sign, 등호 기호


The equals sign is a mathematical symbol that indicates the values on both sides are equal. It's used like this: 2+2🟰4.

In everyday life, it's also used to indicate a 'result' or 'answer.' It's especially common on calculators and computers.

등호는 양쪽의 값이 같다는 것을 나타내는 수학 기호예요. 2+2🟰4처럼 사용해요.

일상생활에서는 '결과'나 '정답'을 나타낼 때도 사용해요. 특히 계산기나 컴퓨터에서 자주 볼 수 있죠.

Windows 11

The equals sign was first used in 1557 by Welsh mathematician Robert Recorde. He created the symbol based on the idea that 'no two things can be more equal than a pair of parallel lines.' Initially, it was much longer than it is now, but it evolved into its current form over time.

In modern digital culture, its meaning has expanded to include 'result,' 'conclusion,' and 'final.' On social media, it's often used to indicate the conclusion of a long story or the final outcome of a situation.

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🟰 W
🟰✨ that's it
🟰💯 perfect
🟰🎯 nailed it
🟰👑 winning
🟰🔥 legendary
🟰💪 crushed it
🟰🏆 victory