

plus, 더하기


This is the mathematical symbol for addition. It is used to indicate the combining of two or more things.

It's often used on social media to indicate adding a new post or friend. These days, it's also frequently used to express positive connotations.

더하기를 나타내는 수학 기호예요. 두 개 이상의 것을 합친다는 의미로 사용됩니다.

SNS에서 새로운 게시물을 추가하거나 친구를 추가할 때도 자주 사용해요. 요즘은 긍정적인 의미를 나타낼 때도 많이 써요.

Windows 11

Used since the times of ancient Egypt and Babylonia, this symbol has become established as a basic mathematical operator. In modern times, it has become an essential element of digital interfaces.

Beyond a simple mathematical symbol, it has become a cultural icon symbolizing 'adding something new' or 'positive change.' In UX design, it's recognized as a representative symbol for intuitive communication.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

➕💯 facts fr
➕✨ on top of that
➕🔥 add that too
➕💪 extra bonus