nazar amulet
nazar amulet, 악마의 눈
The evil eye is a blue amulet commonly found in Turkey and the Middle East. It's believed to ward off bad energy, so many people wear it as jewelry.
Nowadays, people from various countries around the world use this amulet. It's especially popular on social media and is often seen as necklaces or bracelets.
악마의 눈은 터키와 중동 지역에서 많이 볼 수 있는 파란색 부적입니다. 나쁜 기운을 막아주는 의미가 있어서 많은 사람들이 장신구로 착용합니다.
요즘에는 세계 여러 나라 사람들이 이 부적을 사용하고 있어요. 특히 SNS에서 인기가 많아서 목걸이나 팔찌로 자주 볼 수 있습니다.
Called "nazar" in Turkish, this amulet has been believed to protect against bad luck and envious gazes for thousands of years. It's common practice in Mediterranean countries to hang it at the entrance of homes or offices.
In modern times, it has been reinterpreted as a fashion item and frequently appears in designs by global brands. It's particularly popular among Gen Z as an accessory with a unique design and cultural significance. It's also a representative souvenir from trips to Turkey.