

multiply, 곱하기


The multiplication sign is a very important symbol used in mathematics to multiply two numbers. For example, it's used like 3✖️4=12.

These days, it's also frequently used on social media or in messages to mean 'cancel' or 'wrong.' It's often seen as an 'X' mark in games as well.

곱하기 기호는 수학에서 두 수를 곱할 때 사용하는 아주 중요한 기호예요. 예를 들어 3✖️4=12처럼 사용해요.

요즘에는 SNS나 메시지에서 '취소'나 '틀렸다'는 의미로도 많이 사용해요. 게임에서도 'X' 표시로 자주 볼 수 있어요.

Windows 11

The multiplication sign is known to have been first introduced by the 17th-century English mathematician William Oughtred. At the time, mathematical symbols weren't standardized, so various symbols were used, but the current '✖️' shape became the most widespread.

With the advent of the digital age, this symbol has evolved beyond its mathematical meaning to become a universal symbol indicating 'close,' 'cancel,' or 'error.' In particular, it has become an essential element in the UI of mobile apps and websites.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

✖️😤 absolutely not
✖️🙅‍♀️ no way
✖️❌ hate it
✖️🚫 not happening