flag: Uzbekistan
flag: Uzbekistan, 깃발: 우즈베키스탄
Uzbekistan is a country located in Central Asia. Its flag features blue, white, and green stripes, along with a crescent moon.
This country was a central point of the Silk Road and is home to the famous city of Samarkand. It is also known for its delicious lamb dishes and stunning architecture.
우즈베키스탄은 중앙아시아에 있는 나라입니다. 파란색, 흰색, 초록색 줄무늬와 달이 그려진 깃발이 특징입니다.
이 나라는 실크로드의 중심지였고, 사마르칸트라는 유명한 도시가 있습니다. 맛있는 양고기 요리와 멋진 건축물로도 유명합니다.
On the Uzbek flag, blue symbolizes the sky and water, white represents peace, and green signifies nature and abundance. The 12 stars stand for the 12 months of the traditional calendar, while the crescent moon is a symbol of the Islamic cultural sphere.
Recently, interest in Korean culture has greatly increased due to the influence of K-pop and the Korean Wave. Uzbekistan is also a historical settlement area for Koryo-saram (ethnic Koreans in the former Soviet Union), and with active investment from Korean companies, exchanges between the two countries are increasing.