Japanese “monthly amount” button
Japanese “monthly amount” button, 달 월
This emoji incorporates the Japanese character for "month" (tsuki). It's used to represent the moon, monthly subscriptions, or similar concepts.
This can be used when discussing recurring monthly activities or subscription services. It's also used to indicate regularly scheduled events, much like marking something on a calendar.
일본어로 '월(つき)'을 의미하는 한자가 들어간 이모지입니다. 달이나 월간 구독 등을 나타낼 때 사용해요.
매달 정기적으로 하는 활동이나 구독 서비스를 이야기할 때 쓸 수 있습니다. 달력에 표시하는 것처럼 매월 반복되는 일정을 나타낼 때도 사용해요.
This emoji originates from Japan's special character system known as "Geta mark" (げたきごう). The square surrounding the character for "month" (月) indicates a business or service-related symbol, and is specifically used to represent monthly fees or regular subscriptions.
In today's subscription economy, this emoji has taken on a new meaning. It's used when discussing monthly subscription services like Netflix or Spotify, and in Asia, it's frequently used when talking about monthly magazine or webtoon subscriptions.