
woman wearing turban

woman wearing turban, 터번을 쓰고 있는 여자


A turban is a traditional cloth headpiece worn by Muslims. Women also wear turbans for religious reasons or cultural traditions.

Turbans protect from sunlight in hot weather and are important garments that represent religious identity. Recently, they have also become popular as fashion items, attracting interest from people around the world.

터번은 이슬람교도들이 머리에 쓰는 전통적인 천 모자예요. 여성들도 종교적인 이유나 문화적인 전통으로 터번을 써요.

터번은 더운 날씨에서 햇빛을 막아주고 종교적 정체성을 나타내는 중요한 의상이에요. 최근에는 패션 아이템으로도 인기가 많아져서 세계 여러 나라 사람들이 관심을 가지고 있어요.

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Turbans are traditional garments that have been worn for thousands of years in the Middle East, North Africa, and India, symbolizing religious beliefs and cultural identity. In modern times, fashion designers are drawing inspiration from the beauty of turbans and reinterpreting them in various styles.

Turbans are more than just clothing; they serve as cultural codes indicating the wearer's social status or marital status. For Sikhs, in particular, they are a symbol of faith, and in recent fashion, they have gained attention as items representing messages of multicultural respect and inclusion.

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👳‍♀️✨ turban girl
👳‍♀️🕌 desert princess
👳‍♀️🌙 Arabian girl
👳‍♀️⭐ turban queen