
motor boat

motor boat, 모터보트


A motorboat is a small boat powered by an engine. It is often used for fishing or water sports.

It's great to go out on a lake or the ocean in a motorboat with family or friends on the weekend. You can enjoy a relaxing time with a cool breeze.

모터보트는 엔진의 힘으로 움직이는 작은 배입니다. 낚시나 수상스포츠를 즐길 때 많이 사용해요.

주말에 가족이나 친구들과 함께 모터보트를 타고 호수나 바다로 나가면 좋습니다. 시원한 바람을 맞으며 여유로운 시간을 보낼 수 있어요.

Windows 11

The motorboat was born with the invention of the internal combustion engine at the end of the 19th century. It started as a hobby for the wealthy, but gradually developed into a popular leisure activity.

Modern motorboats have evolved into multi-purpose vessels that combine leisure and practicality. They are equipped with advanced navigation systems and safety devices, and environmentally friendly models, such as electric motorboats, are increasing.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🛥️ cruising time
🛥️💨 need some air
🛥️🎣 fishing trip
🛥️🎉 boat party
🛥️✨ summer essential