

oyster, 굴


Oysters are a nutritious seafood from the ocean. Fresh oysters can be eaten raw or cooked.

Pearls are sometimes formed inside oysters. In France, there's a tradition of enjoying oysters to celebrate the New Year.

굴은 바다에서 나는 영양가 높은 해산물입니다. 신선한 굴은 생으로 먹거나 구워서 먹을 수 있어요.

굴 속에서는 가끔 진주가 만들어지기도 합니다. 프랑스에서는 새해를 축하할 때 굴을 즐겨 먹는 전통이 있어요.

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Oysters are rich in nutrients, earning them the nickname 'milk of the sea,' and are particularly high in zinc. World-renowned varieties like the Fine de Claire oysters from France and Tongyeong oysters from Korea are recognized for their unique flavor and quality.

Oyster farming is also known to contribute to improving the marine environment. A single oyster can filter an astounding 200 liters of seawater per day. Recently, their value as a sustainable marine resource has been gaining attention.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🦪 treasure found
🦪💎 jackpot moment
🦪✨ pearl vibes
🦪🌊 ocean's finest