Japanese “free of charge” button
Japanese “free of charge” button, 없을 무
This emoji represents the Japanese kanji character '無 (mu),' meaning 'free' or 'none.' It's frequently seen in online shopping malls and advertisements.
It's especially common in promotional phrases like free shipping, free trial, and free passes. It's also often used in social media and messages to indicate 'no cost.'
이 이모지는 일본어 한자 '無(무)'를 나타내는 기호로, '무료' 또는 '없음'을 의미합니다. 온라인 쇼핑몰이나 광고에서 자주 볼 수 있어요.
특히 무료 배송, 무료 체험, 무료 이용권 같은 홍보 문구에서 많이 사용됩니다. SNS나 메시지에서도 '비용이 들지 않는다'는 의미로 자주 쓰여요.
This kanji character originated in China and spread to Korea and Japan. It's particularly widely used commercially in Japan. With the advent of the digital age, it was made into an emoji and is now used worldwide.
As the concept of 'free' has become an important marketing strategy in modern consumer culture, the use of this emoji has increased. It's especially common in promotions for free trials of premium services and events.