

tomato, 토마토


Tomatoes are red vegetables with a sweet, fruity flavor, making them a healthy food. They are used in various dishes worldwide, including salads, juices, and sauces.

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a beneficial component that is excellent for health. It is known to be particularly helpful for skin health and cancer prevention.

토마토는 빨간색 채소이면서 과일처럼 달콤한 맛이 나는 건강식품입니다. 세계 여러 나라에서 샐러드, 주스, 소스 등 다양한 요리에 사용됩니다.

토마토에는 리코펜이라는 좋은 성분이 많이 들어있어서 건강에 매우 좋습니다. 특히 피부 건강과 암 예방에 도움이 된다고 알려져 있어요.

Windows 11

Tomatoes were brought to Europe from the Americas by Spanish explorers in the 16th century and later spread worldwide. Initially, they were believed to be poisonous and were cultivated only for ornamental purposes.

Today, tomatoes have become a crucial agricultural product with an annual global production exceeding 100 million tons. In K-food, new recipes using tomatoes in dishes like kimchi and bibimbap are gaining popularity. Especially among the MZ generation, tomato-based fusion cuisine is trending on social media.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🍅 tomato squad
🍅❤️ tomato love
🍅🔥 spicy tomato
🍅🌶️ hot sauce
🍅💦 tomato juice
🍅🍝 pasta spirit