
flag: Ethiopia

flag: Ethiopia, 깃발: 에티오피아


Ethiopia is the oldest independent nation in Africa. Its flag, with green, yellow, and red stripes and a blue circle, symbolizes peace and hope.

Ethiopia is known as the birthplace of coffee and produces a wide variety of delicious coffees. Its traditional coffee ceremony has garnered international interest.

Ethiopia is the oldest independent nation in Africa. Its flag, with green, yellow, and red stripes and a blue circle, symbolizes peace and hope.

Ethiopia is known as the birthplace of coffee and produces a wide variety of delicious coffees. Its traditional coffee ceremony has garnered international interest.

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The star within the blue circle on the Ethiopian flag represents the unity of the people and a bright future. It also embodies the pride of their victory against European powers in the Battle of Adwa in 1896. This is a symbol of pride for being the only African nation to avoid colonization.

Ethiopia is where 'Lucy,' one of the earliest hominid fossils, was discovered. It also boasts unique cultural heritage sites like the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela. In modern times, Ethiopia is also known as a marathon powerhouse, having won numerous Olympic medals.

Emoji Combinations


Emoji Phrases

🇪🇹 Coffee birthplace
🇪🇹☕ OG coffee spot
🇪🇹🏃 Marathon nation

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