
roasted sweet potato

roasted sweet potato, 고구마


Sweet potatoes are a sweet and healthy snack. They can be roasted or steamed.

In Korea, roasted sweet potatoes are a popular street food during the cold winter months. A warm sweet potato is a great way to warm your hands and fill your belly on a cold day.

고구마는 달콤하고 건강에 좋은 간식입니다. 구워먹거나 쪄서 먹을 수 있어요.

한국에서는 추운 겨울에 길거리에서 군고구마를 많이 팔아요. 따뜻한 고구마는 추운 날씨에 손도 녹이고 배도 채울 수 있어서 인기가 많습니다.

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Sweet potatoes are known as a superfood, rich in vitamins and dietary fiber. Recently, they've gained popularity as a diet food and are also used in various ways as ingredients in desserts and snacks.

Korea's roasted sweet potato culture is said to have started in the 1950s. These days, the culture of seeking out sweet potatoes has grown to the point where a new term, "honey sweet potato" has emerged on social media. Sharing information about places with the best sweet potatoes has become a trend, especially among young people.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🍠 sweet potato spot
🍠🔥 hot potato szn
🍠💕 honey potato
🍠🥛 milk run
🍠😋 potato munching
🍠🤤 potato heaven