

burrito, 부리또


Burrito is a representative Mexican food where various ingredients are wrapped in a tortilla. Common fillings include rice, meat, beans, and cheese.

It's a filling meal and easy to eat on the go. It's especially popular in the United States, where it's a Mexican food favorite.

부리또는 멕시코의 대표적인 음식으로, 토르티야로 여러 재료를 감싼 음식입니다. 밥, 고기, 콩, 치즈 등 다양한 재료를 넣어요.

한 끼 식사로 충분한 양이 있고 포장해서 먹기 좋아요. 특히 미국에서는 멕시칸 푸드 중에서 가장 인기가 많아요.

Windows 11

Originally a northern Mexican dish, the burrito has become a staple of American-style Mexican food. Unique burrito cultures have developed in different countries and regions, reflecting local tastes.

Recently, various variations have emerged to meet health trends, such as vegetarian burritos and protein-rich burritos for athletes. The breakfast burrito, in particular, has gained worldwide popularity.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🌯 burrito bomb
🌯🌮 Mexican feast
🌯🔥 spice challenge
🌯💨 one bite wonder