
shaved ice

shaved ice, 샤베트 아이스크림


A cool dessert popular in the hot summer. Shaved ice is enjoyed by pouring fruit syrup over it for a sweet treat.

A popular snack, especially in Japan and Korea, within Asia. It's popular on social media for its various flavors and colors.

더운 여름에 인기 있는 시원한 디저트예요. 얼음을 갈아서 만든 샤베트는 과일 시럽을 부어 달콤하게 즐길 수 있어요.

아시아에서는 특히 일본과 한국에서 많이 먹는 간식이에요. 다양한 맛과 색깔로 SNS에서도 인기가 많아요.

Windows 11

Having evolved from traditional shaved ice desserts, shaved ice has become a representative menu item in modern dessert culture. The way it's enjoyed, with soft ice, fresh fruit, and various toppings, is loved worldwide.

Recently, low-calorie and vegan versions of shaved ice, catering to health-conscious consumers, have been gaining popularity. Its Instagrammable visuals make it a frequent subject of social media posts, and it's often released as a seasonal menu item.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🍧 chilly vibes
🍧❄️ ice life
🍧✨ shaved ice mood
🍧💫 summer feels
🍧😋 yummy yummy
🍧💕 sweet tooth
🍧🌈 rainbow vibes
🍧✨ cool beans
🍧💫 ice cream heaven