flag: Timor-Leste
flag: Timor-Leste, 깃발: 동티모르
Timor-Leste is a small country in Southeast Asia. Its flag consists of red, yellow, black, and white.
A young nation that gained independence in 2002, it boasts beautiful beaches and mountains. It is known for its coffee production and is also a popular tourist destination.
동티모르는 동남아시아에 있는 작은 나라입니다. 이 나라의 국기는 빨간색, 노란색, 검은색, 흰색으로 이루어져 있습니다.
2002년에 독립한 젊은 나라로, 아름다운 해변과 산이 많습니다. 커피 농사가 유명하고 관광지로도 인기가 있습니다.
The flag of Timor-Leste embodies the history of its struggle for independence. The red represents the struggle for independence, the black symbolizes the dark past of colonial rule, and the yellow triangle signifies hope for the future.
It is a country with a unique culture, using Portuguese and Tetum as official languages. It is also famous for its traditional woven cloth, Tais, and unique cuisine. Recently, it has been gaining attention as a new destination for ecotourism.